Products are made to order (average manufacturing time is about 7-10 working days) and shipped immediately after being manufactured. Delivery takes an average of 3-4 business days.
The delivery is operated by specialized carriers and if the first delivery attempt is not successful, the carrier will call the phone number provided when placing the order. The carrier will try twice to deliver products to your specified address. In the case these attempts are not successful, the parcel will be kept in stock at the carrier’s warehouse for 5 (five) working days available to the Customer.
In the case products are not withdrawn by the Customer within the above-mentioned term, the order will be automatically canceled, and products returned to Fierce 88. We will return the amount paid for purchased products, minus all expenses related to order management, delivery, storage, and return shipment.
Upon delivery of products, the Customer shall check that package is not damaged, wet, or anyhow altered, including packaging materials (e.g. adhesive tapes).
In case a package and/or product is clearly damaged, the Customer is entitled to refuse delivery of products, which will be returned to Fierce 88 with no extra charge for the Customer.
After the delivery paper has been signed, the Customer cannot complain about the external conditions of delivered products. Any problems regarding the physical integrity, correspondence, or completeness of products received must be immediately indicated to Fierce 88 to activate warranty conditions.
You can read our return policy here.